Our Approach
You are all in business to be successful by being good at what you do and what you were educated and trained to do. Success can be measured in a number of ways: profits; number of patients or clients that you serve; products/services sold or rendered; percentage of the market share etc. Schaefer Healthcare Advisory Services (SHAS) assists you in developing your business’ own personal and unique measures of success.
In working with you and sifting through those wires, we identify; prioritize; and implement opportunities to increase revenue and decrease costs. A pathway of customized action plans are formulated from the ultimate goal to achieve the desired success. The pathway is composed of yearly, monthly, weekly and even daily timelines. Your net worth (aka bottom line) can improve just by analyzing controlling your costs. Your solvency can increase without seeing one more patient, writing one more insurance policy, selling one more widget and so on.
A key component of developing each small goal is to make it measurable.
- Did you treat as many patients that you wanted to last month?
- Did you sell the desired number of insurance premiums?
- Did you save the dollar amount on your new payroll system that was forecasted?
Being able to measure small achievements allows you to go on to the next goal or reassess the current goal that missed the mark. All of these small wins roll up into the ultimate goal.